Saturday 22 March 2014

What 2014 brings... Change

So November 2011 was the last time I managed to remember to post about what was going on, geesh... alot has happened.

Our family is whole again and has been for quite some time now. We have since bought a house - very 'grown up' like really. ALL - yes ALL 3 kids are now in school. Heather is even in Grade 1 - my baby growing up all too fast.

2012 saw me take a huge step - I went back to work, first time in a long time. I have since met some beautiful people who I care about deeply, have made great steps forward in getting my self back front and centre in the workplace. 2014 will hopefully see further steps being taken to cement my future.

And 2014 marks the year of our next posting. For those who know us as a Defence Family this is part and parcel of our lives, yet every time it still gives me that giddy feeling in my tummy that says... eek! This time just seems different, the same really... but different.

With the kids all now in school and doing great, each in their own way that is. Suddenly we have a whole other commitment to our little people - to make sure that we are doing the best we can by them for the most important years of their lives. Until now the concept of moving with kids in school - we managed with 1... but now with all 3 in school my head hurts just thinking about it.

2015 will mark the start of the new school that we choose, but in consideration with this comes the consideration of where Elliot will be in 2 years - apparently he is old enough to be in High School soon... really??!!  2014 is coming to pass all too quickly, work is getting busier and each day I feel l little further away - I am not sure from what, but 'further away' just seems to sum it up.

What does 2014 bring for you?

I am hoping for clarity, direction and balance.

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