Tuesday 8 November 2011

7 Years, Three Kids and our First Bead in the Ear

So I think we are doing pretty good. Started having Kids 7yeras ago. Have had 3 said Kids. Only one 'slightly' fractured Bone in that WHOLE time.

But leave your kids at Daycare and WHAM we have a bead in the Ear. Well done Amanda... It turns out that the Bead came from a Crown from a friends Show and Tell and another 'friend' put it in Amanda's ear. Now that scares me a little as supervision of a group of three little girls should have been more closely monitored (in my opinion). Amanda informed me that she did NOT tell her teacher, which is a bit silly in itself - however with correct supervision and attendance I don't think this should have happened in the first place. Stuff form home it as times not suitable for being at Kindy - it should have been IN their bag and not touched. I cringe at the thought of a Toddler finding that bead in the playground and choking, being in MY child's ear - after all the dramas we have with ears in the family - was enough for me to panic about.

So lesson learned is that things from home are not always safe at Kindy.

Hopefully it will be another 7years before we have another incident such as this.

But all in all we went to the ER as the Doctors were all closed or not taking appointments - waited around for almost 3hours and finally after about 20seconds bead was out and Amanda was just as perfect as she has always been.

Phew!!! Bring on Monday

So the weekend was a blur to say the lest - I am pretty sure I both enjoyed it and missed it at the same time. Graham was visiting which made the whole house have a well-timed shake up.

Friday night we went and did a drive by at the new house, Saturday we were again in the car almost all day looking around the new area and seeing what was around, Saturday night was my 10year School Reunion, Sunday we had Dance Photos for Amanda and Heather, which I think had more tears than the rest of the weekend.

We had alot of fun and it was great to see Graham again. The house looks very nice - just like the pictures we saw in fact - except the yard is pretty rough at present but should only take us a few weeks to sort that out. Nice and close to everything which is great and means I WILL be able to ride with the kids to and from school and the Daycare LOOKS amazing - and very Green.

Saturday night was good, only managed to get around to a handful of people and say hi, as we had such a big day Saturday and what turned into a bigger day Sunday we only stayed a few hours. Would have loved to get around to everyone, there was still that touch of 'School Clicks' that were around even 10years ago. This fact did not surprise me as some have remained close friends since then which I envy just a little bit that those friendships have stayed so strong. Everyone looked amazing - some have not changed a single bit an some I barely recognized, and some just have not changed. Period.

Sunday - Dance Photos. You would think we were performing for the Queen with the amount of Glitter, Tutu, Stockings, Ruffles and Sparkles around. Although everyone looked AMAZING the Photographers did a great job - even with the hoards of parents hanging around, I am pretty sure the Newsletter DID mention to PISS OFF OUTSIDE - but a little more politely. Heather and Amanda are in the Tinies class so we just hung around at the back staying out of the way and keeping quiet.

Sunday afternoon Graham headed home and once again it we me against them... So far I am winning this round. Not sure about the war yet. But I do have my little white flag on a stick ready for a quick retreat!


Wednesday 2 November 2011

A WHOLE day of not much!

So this is where I wanted to be today

This is the reality.

On the up side the house is clean and tidy and has stayed that way for a WHOPPING 5hours now. Girls are at Kindy today after a few days off due to sickness everyone is now back to good health, and Elliot is having a great day (I hope) at School.

So I Vacuumed, mopped, dusted, wiped footprints from the walls - as much as I love seeing where they can get their feet these days, the Real Estate is not so enthused... oops! And even managed to have a little time out watching a TV show that I miss almost every week as it conflicts with another Channel - surely they understand I cannot watch two great shows at once.

After what has been an exhausting few weeks with sickness, from myself and the kids, Heather vomiting through my kitchen as I am dishing up dinner was the Number 1 culprit, and having to wash a stupid 8loads of washing in ONE day (I am so very thankful it was a sunny day though) I feel a little more on top of things than I did even a few days ago.

My study has been going a bit slow of late, with not being able to attend School placement due to sickness I have lost a little enthusiasm it seems. But I am hoping to get through a few more sections tonight and tomorrow and get the ball rolling again.

I even managed to score some good sized boxes for our upcoming move to North Brisbane in a few weeks - we have another adventure unfolding and it seems to be taking forever, but I am 'Thankful for my Sprouts'.
Referenced to  Guest Speaker - Vicki Simpson - 22 October 2011 - a very interesting listen - even for those who aren't so 'Christian-like'.

One small step at a time they tell me.

I hope you are trying to find WHO you are and what makes you YOU.

I am certainly one step closer with three loads of washing out of my way, I might even get a little jog up today to celebrate... or not. I need air-con!


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Days of Me - WHO am I?

From time to time I come across something that strikes me and today it was this:

This is what I woke up to this morning thanks to some random Inspirational Quotes of the Day - or there abouts. And it got me thinking...

What 'might' I have been if I wasn't what I am?

Now, WHAT I am is easy. I AM a Mother. I AM a Daughter. I AM a partner. I AM a woman. I AM a friend. And the list could go on forever.

But, WHO I am is an entirely different concept - and a whole lot trickier to answer.
All I came up with was
I AM a Mother. I AM a Daughter. I AM a partner. I AM a woman. I AM a friend. Sounds familiar right?

I found this article which really made a whole lot of sense as well as stumping me at the same time.
Answering the Question "Who am I?"

The comments that followed also made alot of sense, and I really think that each of us will be able to appreciate what is being said here. 

What we are is based on outside perceptions and ideas, Who we are is something that we find within ourselves. Our "Internal GPS" - as Christine Hassler puts it.

So instead I found some Adjectives (my English teacher would be so very proud) that could help.

Candid, Spiritual, Forgiving, Positive (for most part), Realistic, Friendly, Sociable. Then did this:

I AM Candid, Spiritual, Forgiving, Positive (for most part), Realistic, Friendly, Sociable.

This is WHO I am!

This is WHO I want my children to see. As a parent it is so very hard to keep that inner self true to WHO you are, not just WHAT we become out of necessity. I lost a huge part of myself when I had our children, although I don't think I ever really lost those qualities, they were just replaced with THINGS and STUFF I had to do to make it all work - well that is what I thought anyway. The THINGS and STUFF I needed to make it all work were the exact things I always had, I just washed over them until they were no longer visible.

I challenge all of those parents who feel this is just a little (or HUGE) part of where you are at right now or where you have been, to just keep on going and keep on searching until you could write a book on WHO you are and what you have to GIVE the world, and the world of your kids. I truly believe we are never faced with a situation so helpless that we cannot face it and overcome. I think we just don't know which of those Adjectives we need to get through it. 

I found mine in the wash basket. I found that when I took away those THINGS and STUFF that i had filled my days with WHO I was shone through like Batman's Signal into the night sky. I am still me and by hell or high water, no pile of dirty laundry is going to take that away again. Well, that is my hope anyway. 

Will you take the challenge to find WHO you are again (or maybe even for the first time).

I know I am.


Out with the Old and in with the New - Introductions all round.

So, as a result of not using (and I mention 'using' for it's addictive qualities) Facebook this Blog has come to life. I hope that this will be both enlightening and informative in keeping those around us in the loop as to our Days as they happen.

There will undoubtedly be posts of despair, frustration, guilt, hardship, and utter blasphemy - but (with a little hope, maybe a shot of Vodka) there will also be the joyous occasions that include Birthdays, holidays, outings, funny crap, and of course the Oooh's and Aaah's of love... (I will let you know in the first 2lines what kind of post you are in for, feel free to skip the ones that will not bring Sunshine to your day)

So for those of you new to Us. we are a family of 5 humans, 2 birds (hopefully more if 'Blue' would just lay some eggs already...) 2 puppies and Countless Dustbunnies. Now I include the Dustbunnies, because some of them have names. No doubt they will crop up in conversation as time goes on.

I am Amye, Mother to three kids, Elliot, Amanda and Heather, partner to Graham and Food-Water-TummyScratch Source to the rest.

Enjoy my ramblings. Apparently you can pop your email in up top and follow me if you like?!? Think it gives you a buzz when I have posted about stuff, a buzz is a buzz they say.
