Wednesday 2 November 2011

A WHOLE day of not much!

So this is where I wanted to be today

This is the reality.

On the up side the house is clean and tidy and has stayed that way for a WHOPPING 5hours now. Girls are at Kindy today after a few days off due to sickness everyone is now back to good health, and Elliot is having a great day (I hope) at School.

So I Vacuumed, mopped, dusted, wiped footprints from the walls - as much as I love seeing where they can get their feet these days, the Real Estate is not so enthused... oops! And even managed to have a little time out watching a TV show that I miss almost every week as it conflicts with another Channel - surely they understand I cannot watch two great shows at once.

After what has been an exhausting few weeks with sickness, from myself and the kids, Heather vomiting through my kitchen as I am dishing up dinner was the Number 1 culprit, and having to wash a stupid 8loads of washing in ONE day (I am so very thankful it was a sunny day though) I feel a little more on top of things than I did even a few days ago.

My study has been going a bit slow of late, with not being able to attend School placement due to sickness I have lost a little enthusiasm it seems. But I am hoping to get through a few more sections tonight and tomorrow and get the ball rolling again.

I even managed to score some good sized boxes for our upcoming move to North Brisbane in a few weeks - we have another adventure unfolding and it seems to be taking forever, but I am 'Thankful for my Sprouts'.
Referenced to  Guest Speaker - Vicki Simpson - 22 October 2011 - a very interesting listen - even for those who aren't so 'Christian-like'.

One small step at a time they tell me.

I hope you are trying to find WHO you are and what makes you YOU.

I am certainly one step closer with three loads of washing out of my way, I might even get a little jog up today to celebrate... or not. I need air-con!


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