Tuesday 1 November 2011

Days of Me - WHO am I?

From time to time I come across something that strikes me and today it was this:

This is what I woke up to this morning thanks to some random Inspirational Quotes of the Day - or there abouts. And it got me thinking...

What 'might' I have been if I wasn't what I am?

Now, WHAT I am is easy. I AM a Mother. I AM a Daughter. I AM a partner. I AM a woman. I AM a friend. And the list could go on forever.

But, WHO I am is an entirely different concept - and a whole lot trickier to answer.
All I came up with was
I AM a Mother. I AM a Daughter. I AM a partner. I AM a woman. I AM a friend. Sounds familiar right?

I found this article which really made a whole lot of sense as well as stumping me at the same time.
Answering the Question "Who am I?"

The comments that followed also made alot of sense, and I really think that each of us will be able to appreciate what is being said here. 

What we are is based on outside perceptions and ideas, Who we are is something that we find within ourselves. Our "Internal GPS" - as Christine Hassler puts it.

So instead I found some Adjectives (my English teacher would be so very proud) that could help.

Candid, Spiritual, Forgiving, Positive (for most part), Realistic, Friendly, Sociable. Then did this:

I AM Candid, Spiritual, Forgiving, Positive (for most part), Realistic, Friendly, Sociable.

This is WHO I am!

This is WHO I want my children to see. As a parent it is so very hard to keep that inner self true to WHO you are, not just WHAT we become out of necessity. I lost a huge part of myself when I had our children, although I don't think I ever really lost those qualities, they were just replaced with THINGS and STUFF I had to do to make it all work - well that is what I thought anyway. The THINGS and STUFF I needed to make it all work were the exact things I always had, I just washed over them until they were no longer visible.

I challenge all of those parents who feel this is just a little (or HUGE) part of where you are at right now or where you have been, to just keep on going and keep on searching until you could write a book on WHO you are and what you have to GIVE the world, and the world of your kids. I truly believe we are never faced with a situation so helpless that we cannot face it and overcome. I think we just don't know which of those Adjectives we need to get through it. 

I found mine in the wash basket. I found that when I took away those THINGS and STUFF that i had filled my days with WHO I was shone through like Batman's Signal into the night sky. I am still me and by hell or high water, no pile of dirty laundry is going to take that away again. Well, that is my hope anyway. 

Will you take the challenge to find WHO you are again (or maybe even for the first time).

I know I am.


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