Tuesday 8 November 2011

Phew!!! Bring on Monday

So the weekend was a blur to say the lest - I am pretty sure I both enjoyed it and missed it at the same time. Graham was visiting which made the whole house have a well-timed shake up.

Friday night we went and did a drive by at the new house, Saturday we were again in the car almost all day looking around the new area and seeing what was around, Saturday night was my 10year School Reunion, Sunday we had Dance Photos for Amanda and Heather, which I think had more tears than the rest of the weekend.

We had alot of fun and it was great to see Graham again. The house looks very nice - just like the pictures we saw in fact - except the yard is pretty rough at present but should only take us a few weeks to sort that out. Nice and close to everything which is great and means I WILL be able to ride with the kids to and from school and the Daycare LOOKS amazing - and very Green.

Saturday night was good, only managed to get around to a handful of people and say hi, as we had such a big day Saturday and what turned into a bigger day Sunday we only stayed a few hours. Would have loved to get around to everyone, there was still that touch of 'School Clicks' that were around even 10years ago. This fact did not surprise me as some have remained close friends since then which I envy just a little bit that those friendships have stayed so strong. Everyone looked amazing - some have not changed a single bit an some I barely recognized, and some just have not changed. Period.

Sunday - Dance Photos. You would think we were performing for the Queen with the amount of Glitter, Tutu, Stockings, Ruffles and Sparkles around. Although everyone looked AMAZING the Photographers did a great job - even with the hoards of parents hanging around, I am pretty sure the Newsletter DID mention to PISS OFF OUTSIDE - but a little more politely. Heather and Amanda are in the Tinies class so we just hung around at the back staying out of the way and keeping quiet.

Sunday afternoon Graham headed home and once again it we me against them... So far I am winning this round. Not sure about the war yet. But I do have my little white flag on a stick ready for a quick retreat!


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